Walk up the stairs and head for the center of the bridge to trigger a cut-scene. Enter through the large curtains to trigger another cut-scene.
There are two paths. Take the one on the left. Head down the stairs and an explosion will block the way. Head through the gate for another battle.
Walk up the stairs and head for the center of the bridge to trigger a cut-scene. Enter through the large curtains to trigger another cut-scene.
There are two paths. Take the one on the left. Head down the stairs and an explosion will block the way. Head through the gate for another battle.
To evade its Mallet Smash-Wave, roll to the left or right! Double jumping will get you hurt.
You need to use Medusa's Gaze to freeze the Mini-taur as it steps on the button to open the gate. From there, quickly roll to the open gate before it unfreezes. This will take lots of attempts but the Chest here will always replenish your Magic.
As you battle through the town, you can destroy the doors for each house to find Chests. There are 2 Phoenix Feathers and 2 Gorgon's Eye in this road alone (I'll let you find them.) Kill all the enemies here. Head for the roadblock and destroy it. Can't find a way to the other side? At the tip of the roadblock is a piece of hanging rope above it. Do you see it? Double jump up to grab it and swing your way to the other side.
Head outside to Athens Town square.
Author's Tips: When swinging from rope to rope, when Kratos get to the second rope, climb up off the rope and jump to the left for a hidden chest. Yes!
Continue on until you see another new enemy causing havoc.
Use simple evasion and hard Combos on this fool. When the Circle Button appears above its head, press the Button to fling the weapon to its eye and pull it out. You have to do this 3-4 times before it dies.
Kill all the one-eyed freaks to continue on through the newly opened doorway and through the hallways. Inside the first room is a hidden Chest behind the Greek painting walls. Destroy them and open the Chest to find a Phoenix Feather.
Follow the woman as she heads up the stairs. Before you jump the small gap (where the woman is waiting for you), bash open the large wooden door near the gap to find a hidden room with a couple of Chests. Head outside and continue.
Jump the gap and continue up the stairs to a cut-scene.
SAVE GAME (open the Chest on the left side of this Save Point to find a Phoenix Feather)
Jump down to where the woman fell and grab the Key Item. Sigh. Make your way BACK UP AGAIN! This time you'll encounter enemies on the way back. Follow the onscreen directions to kill them and head back to the Save Point upstairs.
Jump to the mini-bridge on the right side and use the Key Item. Open the hatch and jump down.
Head through the hall and open the large gate at the other end.
Kill all the one-eyed freaks to continue on through the newly opened doorway and through the hallways. Inside the first room is a hidden Chest behind the Greek painting walls. Destroy them and open the Chest to find a Phoenix Feather.
Follow the woman as she heads up the stairs. Before you jump the small gap (where the woman is waiting for you), bash open the large wooden door near the gap to find a hidden room with a couple of Chests. Head outside and continue.
Jump the gap and continue up the stairs to a cut-scene.
SAVE GAME (open the Chest on the left side of this Save Point to find a Phoenix Feather)
Jump down to where the woman fell and grab the Key Item. Sigh. Make your way BACK UP AGAIN! This time you'll encounter enemies on the way back. Follow the onscreen directions to kill them and head back to the Save Point upstairs.
Jump to the mini-bridge on the right side and use the Key Item. Open the hatch and jump down.
Head through the hall and open the large gate at the other end.
Sources for the above taken from VampireHorde at http://faqs.ign.com/articles/598/598618p1.html
Disclaimer and acknowledgment: I claim no credit whatsoever for this FAQ and guide, since it was not my work. The purpose of this site is as a tribute to the GOW world and for my easy reference. Most of the material in the FAQ section is borrowed from VampireHorde's collection of FAQs and guides. So, all credits and acknowledgments must go to him. Please do not copy, link, or reproduce this FAQ on your publication or website without permission.
If you want to use this FAQ or any of the material on this site, please e-mail VampireHorde at kroqjock@gmail.com and the author at stevie_ash@yahoo.com
If you want to use this FAQ or any of the material on this site, please e-mail VampireHorde at kroqjock@gmail.com and the author at stevie_ash@yahoo.com
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