Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Rings Of Pandora

Go down the ring until you see a door with a skull (that you can't enter yet). Across the door is an open hall with spiked smashers.

Make your way through the s
pikes and proceed to the next area. We will call this the Save Room.



Head to the lever across
the Save Point and pull it. A turnstile will emerge outside the room. Head for the turnstile and rotate the room until you see a Red Power-Up room. Head through it to a cut-scene.


After the cut-scene, head through to th
e Challenge of Atlas.



Continue through and kill all the enemies in this area. Go up the stairs. Kill everyone up here and cross the bars to the lever at the other end. Pull the lever to lower a large piece of metal.

** There is a Gorgon's Eye across from the lever.

Grab the rope holding the metal and slide down. At the bottom of the pit, shimmy across the ropes while defeating enemies to the other side. Head up the stairs and grab the Shield of Hades.

After grabbing the item, kill the enemies that appear to stop from being crushed. After that is done, cross the ropes and head
back up.


Head to the doorway and kill the remaining enemies. Across the doorway is a stack of wood. Drag it towards the door at the other end of the room.

When you have gotten far enough, kick it towards the button and quickly head for the door before it spins (so you can spin with it).

Make your way up the stairs and cross the poles and obtain the Shield Of Zeus. There are two Blood Chests around the poles' area. After that, attach both Shields to the door in the bottom floor.

Head through the hallway.



Ignore the levers in this area and head for the doorwa
y across the chainsaw mill. Destroy the barricade (and the enemies) and go to the conveyor belt.

Dodge the spike traps and head to the other side. Climb the ladder and make your way to the other side. Climb the ladder and hea
d up to the mountain (while killing fools on the way). Make your way to the top ledge and jump down.

Pull the lever at the doorway but don't go down yet! Enter the room to trigger a big enemy battle.


Kill all the sirens and soldiers with shields and obtain the Handle of Atlas. Go to the big chain but don't slide down just yet. Climb up to find some Blood Chests. Make your way back out and to the chainsaw mill. Now you have to pull the levers inside the chainsaw mill to open the gate. Pull both levers in the room quickly before the other lever closes. When the door opens, head for the entrance and shimmy to the other side.

Open the door and be ready for an onslaught of enemies. Kill them all and use the Handle of Atlas at the crank near his statue. Behind the Atlas statue, there is a chest containing a Muse key. Head up the stairs on the right side (while killing fools) and pull the lever to get the "ball rolling".

**There are chests containing a Gorgon's Eye and Phoenix Feather up here.

There is a Blood Chest on the left side of the door. Head outside to a large golden coffin. Open the coffin and jump towards the dead body. Rip off the "Architect's Son's Head" Key Item. Head down the newly opened hole and make your way up the darkened and empty hallway until a cut-scene occurs. After the cut-scene, continue through and open the door. Welcome back to the Save Room.

Head back out to the Rings of Pandora. Kill the enemies that block the way and use the Architect's Son's Skull on the other door.


Do not e
nter the room yet! Let the steamroller make its way past Kratos first! Head up to find a set of stairs. After the clue scene is revealed (with the ladder), wait for the steamroller to pass by. Jump on top of it and keep up with it as it rolls towards the ladder. Jump on the ladder to trigger a cut-scene. Climb the ladder to the top.


Sources for the above taken from VampireHorde at http://faqs.ign.com/articles/598/598618p1.html

Disclaimer and acknowledgment:
I claim no credit whatsoever for this FAQ and guide, since it was not my work. The purpose of this site is as a tribute to the GOW world and for my easy reference. Most of the material in the FAQ section is borrowed from VampireHorde's collection of FAQs and guides. So, all credits and acknowledgments must go to him. Please do not copy, link, or reproduce this FAQ on your publication or website without permission.

If you want to use this FAQ or any of the material on this site, please e-mail VampireHorde at kroqjock@gmail.com and the author at stevie_ash@yahoo.com

Pandora's Temple

Cross the bridge to the temple. You can't jump to the guy burning stuff, so go the other side and make your way around the lower area to the other side. See that lever? Pull it to reveal a set of steps. Quickly jump up to the top to trigger a cut-scene.

After the cut-scene, a new enemy emerges.


These guys are a mixture of the mace-wielding fiends (from the beginning of the game) and the regular cyclops. The strategies are the same: Evade and counter. When the Circle Button appears, grab it and press the buttons to perform fatality. There are four in total so go get a killing!

Author's Tips: If you have upgraded Poseidon's Rage to the max, this is a really piece of cake. Just use your magic until it finishes. I find this really, really useful especially when playing God Mode.

After the mass slaughter, head up the stairs. Open the chests at the top for essence and a Gorgon's Eye and Phoenix Feather.

Rotate the turnstile to open the doors. Head through to a large room.

Kill all the enemies and then read the book to open the door. Head through to the Rings of Pandora.

Sources for the above taken from VampireHorde at http://faqs.ign.com/articles/598/598618p1.html

Disclaimer and acknowledgment: I claim no credit whatsoever for this FAQ and guide, since it was not my work. The purpose of this site is as a tribute to the GOW world and for my easy reference. Most of the material in the FAQ section is borrowed from VampireHorde's collection of FAQs and guides. So, all credits and acknowledgments must go to him. Please do not copy, link, or reproduce this FAQ on your publication or website without permission.

If you want to use this FAQ or any of the material on this site, please e-mail VampireHorde at kroqjock@gmail.com and the author at stevie_ash@yahoo.com

Monday, April 26, 2010

Desert Of Lost Souls


Beside the main gate, there is a Blood Chests. When you enter the desert, Kratos is in the West area. The first Siren is all the way to the East near the temple. Use Zeus's Fur
y to stop her from moving. Grab her when the Circle Button appears to perform a fatality.

Use rolls to evade their bolts and attack with the Zeus's Fury. Another way is to use the upgraded Poseidon's Rage. It is the faster way, trust me!

The other two Sirens are in the northern and southern region areas. Listen for their faint singing as it will get louder as you get closer. Be careful! These two have mini-taurs as bodyguards. Kill all three Sirens to continue.
After that or maybe along the way, you will find some Blood Chests. Altogether, I managed to find only FIVE chests.

Head to the temple once you are done.


Head down the stairs for a mini puzzle.


Open the door with the Spartan logo to reveal a large block and a chest. You need to kick the block to the wall all the way to the left. Watch out for soldiers!

Jump up to the top and open the door and continue through. Enter through the doorway and use the large horn to art the sands "Ten Commandments" style. Head through to trigger a cut-scene at the other end.

Use Poseidon's Rage to kill all the sirens to trigger another cut-scene. Use the horn to enter Pandora's Temple.

Sources for the above taken from VampireHorde
at http://faqs.ign.com/articles/598/598618p1.html

Disclaimer and acknowledgment: I claim no credit whatsoever for this FAQ and guide, since it was not my work. The purpose of this site is as a tribute to the GOW world and for my easy reference. Most of the material in the FAQ section is borrowed from VampireHorde's collection of FAQs and guides. So, all credits and acknowledgments must go to him. Please do not copy, link, or reproduce this FAQ on your publication or website without permission.

If you want to use this FAQ or any of the material on this site, please e-mail VampireHorde at kroqjock@gmail.com and the author at stevie_ash@yahoo.com

Sewers Of Athens

Head through the hallway outside.


There are two paths to take: the big-ass Sword path and the path going up the mountain. There is nothing useful at the top of the hill except a Phoenix Feather. Get it now because next time you come back to this place, it will no longer be there.

Take the pathway with the big-ass Sword bridge and continue down a circular flight of stairs to the sewers. Look for a chest with Phoenix Feather behind the end of the stairs. You will encounter archers, demon soldiers, mini-taurs and cyclops on the way past the sewers. Equip your best combos and bring on the hurt. Look out for a hidden chest under the sewers.

Fight your way out of the sewers to the ladder on the other side leading to s spiral stairway. Head up the stairway and pull the lever to end up in Athens (again)


Remember this place? Take the right path and then enter the doorway to the Desert Of Lost Souls. Remember to SAVE GAME!

Head on down the desert to trigger a cut-scene.

Sources for the above taken from VampireHorde
at http://faqs.ign.com/articles/598/598618p1.html

Disclaimer and acknowledgment: I claim no credit whatsoever for this FAQ and guide, since it was not my work. The purpose of this site is as a tribute to the GOW world and for my easy reference. Most of the material in the FAQ section is borrowed from VampireHorde's collection of FAQs and guides. So, all credits and acknowledgments must go to him. Please do not copy, link, or reproduce this FAQ on your publication or website without permission.

If you want to use this FAQ or any of the material on this site, please e-mail VampireHorde at kroqjock@gmail.com and the author at stevie_ash@yahoo.com

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Path To The Oracle

Head outside to trigger a cut-scene. After the cut-scene, cross the bar to the other side.


Before you go up the mountain stairs to save the Oracle, you will notice a ledge in Athens Town Square with three chests from across the Save Point on the broken bridge. Do you see them?

To obtain them, have Kratos shimmy on the broken bridge towards the ledge and jump onto the ledge across to open the chest for some freebies. You will have to time your jumps so that Kratos hangs on the ledge with his hands, so you can shimmy over.



Continue up the stairs and eliminate enemies on the way up. Watch for a hidden chest in one of the mountain walls!

Head to the Oracle's Garden to trigger a cut-scene. After the cut-scene, eliminate all the enemies here to trigger another cut-scene. After the cut-scene, head up the stairs and collect the Gorgons Eye and Phoenix Feather in the chests on both sides of the temple.

Also, go to the extreme left and right of the building to find some Blood Chests.


Enter the temple to the top of the stairs to a large room. Before opening the door on the left side, head to the front of the room and grab the statues. Use the statues to cover up the cracks that keep spawning the winged-demons.
Beside the main entrance to the temple there are a Gorgon's Eye and a Blood Chests. Now open the door and head up the stairs and then carefully cross the bars to the other side without any interference.

There is a large piece of glass on the other end that you can smash, that has a chest with a Gorgon's Eye!


Head up the halls while killing fools on the way out. Head outside to trigger a cut-scene.


AAHHH!! SHUT UP ALREADY!!! Here is how to solve this puzzle:

- Grab and drag one statue that is near the entrance and place it on the elevator. (The elevator goes up and down every 10-20 seconds.)

- Wait for the elevator to go up so you can grab the other statue.

- When the elevator goes down again, drop the other statue ON TOP of the first statue, then jump down.

- Drag the two-tiered statue near the water fountain. Climb up to the top of the gazebo and jump your way to the hanging vines.

- You have 66 SECONDS to make your way to the other side and save the Oracle. GOOD LUCK!

Watch the cut-scene. Before you leave the area, find all the hidden chests and a Gorgon's Eye.

There are two chests on the right side of the hallway. Use the stacked-statues as a footstool and get those two chest for some goodies. On the path to save the Oracle, when you are balancing yourself on the bars, look to the right for a Phoenix Feather. The other chests are hidden behind walls near the waterfall that can be smashed.

Sources for the above taken from VampireHorde at http://faqs.ign.com/articles/598/598618p1.html

Disclaimer and acknowledgment: I claim no credit whatsoever for this FAQ and guide, since it was not my work. The purpose of this site is as a tribute to the GOW world and for my easy reference. Most of the material in the FAQ section is borrowed from VampireHorde's collection of FAQs and guides. So, all credits and acknowledgments must go to him. Please do not copy, link, or reproduce this FAQ on your publication or website without permission.

If you want to use this FAQ or any of the material on this site, please e-mail VampireHorde at kroqjock@gmail.com and the author at stevie_ash@yahoo.com